Monday, January 31, 2011

Positive Mondays.. Join The Movement

Once again another Monday is upon us. Here is your chance to inspire or be inspired. Positive Mondays is about empowering and uplifting each other on what can be the most frustrating, hectic day of the week! Please feel free to share experiences on how you encountered a positive experience today. It could be something you did or said to someone or vice versa; a quote, song, or thought that incorporates positivity! And remember to put on your shades to block out all negativity today! #positivemondays

Quote of the Day: Positivity brings forth productivity..its a MOVEMENT!

*throws on shades* - LaBellaBoss <3


  1. Nothing extraordinary has happened to me today YET, however I woke up with a very positive attitude and outlook. I went to church yesterday and the preacher spoke about controlling your tongue when it comes to spreading gossip, lying, and speaking on others in general. We all let our tongues get the best of us sometimes, so I'm working on keeping mine under control. Also, my grandma fixed me breakfast this morning without me even asking. Now if that isn't enough to make me positive for the day then I don't know what is. The simple things in life keep me going :)

  2. Im so positive Today! I have a cold, but i wont let that get me down. My family is good, my friends are good.. and the movement is revolutionizing the community.. there are even Positive Tuesdays somewhere in the world! LOL.. the thing of it is this.. its all good as long as you are being genuinely positive and inspiring to someone. Oh, and a woman that comes to my job is bringing me a gift for my positivity and for me always praying for her when she is down! Now TAKE THAT TAKE THAT TAKE THAT!!! LMAOOOOO u love it! POSITIVE MONDAYSSSS let me find my shades ! lol

  3. I was recently laid-off from my job. I felt terrible I wasn't able to help provide my mother w/assistance towards bills etc. So Sunday I went to church in hope to feel somewhat better about my situation. The preacher's sermon was aboout complaining. He told us that complaining gets you no where. With some of the things he had said had me thinking that maybe my complaining about my previous job was why I was sitting there, that Sunday unemployed. God felt that by me complaining about my job so much that I wasn't being grateful for even having a job to go to everyday. Therefore, he felt like he should test my faith and take that job away. After hearing that sermon, I prayed to HIM day in and day out that HE would forgive me for my complaining and help me to be more grateful of the things I do have. Well, with all that said, I will be starting my New job on this Positive Monday!!( grateful for what u do have because just remember things could be alot worse. Pray for the things that u don't have/want because HE is able... HE may not always come when u want HIM but HE is always on time...

  4. Now isn't that powerful! Were we in the same service yesterday?? lol.. the pastor I went to also spoke about complaining about what you do have. He said God will test your faith and take away those very things you complain about to make you appreciate them more. We all do alot of complaining even though sometimes we don't realize it. And I really do believe that God takes things away from us to make us rely more on HIM rather than the actual "things" themselves. It's kind of like we have to humble ourselves and thank him more. That is such a blessing, I hope you have a great day on your new job!!

  5. That is defintely true! Thank you(:

  6. I have been waiting for a book for my ITE class for three weeks now. Since I work full time I can only go to the college on my 30 minute lunch breaks. well the past 4 times I have gone, the book has been completely sold out. Today was the last day to get books with financial aide, I went to get my book during lunch and I got the very last one! Major blessing #positiveMondays :)
