Soooo I am planning a trip to Miami with one of my fellow boss chics, BossLadiT. We have known about this trip for a year, and we only have 20 days until we depart!!!! I can not even explain how excited I am!! Fun, Sun, Drinks, Party, Sleep, eye candy, pool, bathing suits---Bathing Suits??? Yeahhhh, so I was supposed to lose weight 5 years ago! *runs and hide* and especially since the holidays, so that I could be well prepared for this trip. I envisioned me running to the pool, two-piece in tow, feeling like the boss chic I am. Now, dont get me wrong, I am SOOOO confident in myself, that it does not matter what the end result is, I will still go feeling bossy and beautiful.(it's in my genes) But, I set a goal and I need to for once not PROCRASTINATE. Well, since being Bossy is all about empowerment and self-fulfillment, nothing would be better to me right now then to lose a couple of pounds and say I actually did something and see some RESULTS!! However, I only have 20 days :( smh. So you know what I did, I consulted in two personal trainers. Amy (official personal trainer) and my Daddy(unofficial personal trainer) and as you can imagine, dieting in the way that I should, wont do much to me for Miami especially my stomach, the main thing I'm trying to kill. Are you serious? I couldn't stand to hear that yatta yatta, I had a trip to go to soon. I guess Amy got tired of me B******G and offered a quick fix for me. A STRICT SLIM FAST DIET! Um hum... I know, I know.
"Well what does this slim fast diet consist of?" That was my response lol. What? I like to EAT! But Amy proceeded to tell me that if I wanted to SEE some results I would have to commit to this SLIM FAST DIET, 2 Slim Fast shakes one for breakfast one for lunch, and commit to having a 500 calorie or less meal at night. NO ALCOHOL. But, I got her to approve 1 glass of wine a week. (This Boss Chic sips) I would also have to drink PLENTY of water, and do some vigorous exercise throwing healthy snacks in between. *rolls eyes*
So after I thought for about half a minute, I asked myself "what choice do i have?" It's me, and its Miami and I didn't have another choice. So I accepted the challenge! I actually got really excited about it. Amy agreed to do it with me for moral support. The great thing is, I haven't done any grocery shopping so I wont be tempted! So let's see :
Well this morning I had Special K! Red berries cereal, and on my break at 1:00 I went to krogers and got my inventory of French Vanilla and Strawberry Slim Fast Shakes. I asked her could I eat anything else before getting started she told me NO! But, secretly, I snuck and ate some blueberries and I would've ate a chocolate chip cookie but they were sold out at the Sub spot that I like. (I'm Human) I cracked open my first class trip to a new me and drank. It was good!"Well what does this slim fast diet consist of?" That was my response lol. What? I like to EAT! But Amy proceeded to tell me that if I wanted to SEE some results I would have to commit to this SLIM FAST DIET, 2 Slim Fast shakes one for breakfast one for lunch, and commit to having a 500 calorie or less meal at night. NO ALCOHOL. But, I got her to approve 1 glass of wine a week. (This Boss Chic sips) I would also have to drink PLENTY of water, and do some vigorous exercise throwing healthy snacks in between. *rolls eyes*
So after I thought for about half a minute, I asked myself "what choice do i have?" It's me, and its Miami and I didn't have another choice. So I accepted the challenge! I actually got really excited about it. Amy agreed to do it with me for moral support. The great thing is, I haven't done any grocery shopping so I wont be tempted! So let's see :
For Dinner tonight I had a boneless, skinless chicken breast and a half cup of brown rice. As for exercise, I walked up and down my stairs 10 times :)
Follow me for 20 days as I climb this mountain, overcome this obstacle, make it do what it do baby!
Tomorrow, I promise to have a picture up and my authentic weight and measurements so that when I weigh in we could see how much I progressed!!
LaBellaBoss and I will also include realistic diet tips, exercise tips, and healthy recipes too! A little somethin' somethin' for you for coming along this journey with me!
(I'm going to need lots of prayer!)
Do you think this is realistic? Healthy? Do you think I can do it? Will I last?
Let me know :) Muah!!!!
A. Bad Boss
Tomorrow, I promise to have a picture up and my authentic weight and measurements so that when I weigh in we could see how much I progressed!!
LaBellaBoss and I will also include realistic diet tips, exercise tips, and healthy recipes too! A little somethin' somethin' for you for coming along this journey with me!
(I'm going to need lots of prayer!)
Do you think this is realistic? Healthy? Do you think I can do it? Will I last?
Let me know :) Muah!!!!
A. Bad Boss
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