Zoe Saldana & her sister serving the homeless at a shelter in LA for Thanksgiving |
Although I wish I could go back to Wednesday and start my Thanksgiving break over again, we have to be thankful for the fact that we've been allowed to see another week. On that note I have to wish everyone a Positive Monday! Whew I really do not know where to start for this post lol, my break was much needed and EPIC.
I went to my aunt's house in Fairfax, VA to spend Thanksgiving with my mom's family which is always a good time no matter what. I love getting to spend time with my younger cousins because we all live in different areas and don't get to see each other often. It's so exciting getting to stay up with them in the middle of the night exchanging stories about our hometowns and life issues.
When I got back on Friday, I ended up going to a local spot in my small hometown by myself. I had had a really long day and just wanted to get out and clear my head a little so I got dressed up and went out alone. Even though I went by myself, I never actually felt like it was just me. I saw different people that I hadn't seen in awhile, and I can be very sociable in a party scene so I didn't feel awkard at all.
On Saturday my girls came home from Richmond and we all went out that night to the same local spot I had went to the night before. Being that we're from a small town, there's always drama whenever an event goes on. I'm just thankful to be able to say that it's never myself or my friends who are caught up in anything. It's funny because my friends and I are very different as individuals, but we all compliment each other so well.
Friends, family, and loved ones should always come first during the holidays. I'm so grateful to have spent mine with those who matter the most. Now of course during the holidays, there's usually drama that comes with it, but still the good times ended up being greater than the bad for me. I went through something pretty difficult for myself on Thanksgiving Day that made me look at life a little differently, but I'm thankful that I've formed a stronger backbone and have learned to speak up for myself when I don't believe something is right.
I had said that I was going to do a post on what I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving, but with traveling and all the festivities I didn't get time to do the post. Therefore, I'll list those now to leave this on a positive note... I'm first of all thankful for life and for having a loving God who sees fit for me to continue to live. I'm very thankful for my son and how being his mother has allowed me to grow as a person. I'm thankful for my friends and family who I can depend on to support me and be real with me, yet still respect me as well. I'm thankful for my independent attitude and my nature to do things myself rather than waiting around for someone else to do them for me. I'm thankful for my means of providing for Trey and the fact that he has everything he needs. And to sum this all up, I'm thankful for where I've come from to get where I am, and the future that God has planned for me that's bigger than what I can see with my own eyes :)
I hope everyone has a #PositiveMonday!!
LaBellaBoss ♥