Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weekly Horoscope 5/24-5/31

I'm the type of person who is big on the zodiacs and who reads their horoscope on a daily basis. It's such a big deal to me that I even have my friends checking their horoscopes daily as well lol. A lot of times (more often than not) my horoscope is on point. It blows my mind how it's usually always pertaining to something I'm dealing with. I know many people don't believe in the signs of the stars, but nonetheless it's still kinda fun to see what they say. On that note, I've decided to try something new by posting weekly horoscopes for each zodiac sign. I'll try to do it every Monday to start off each week, but if not they will be up some time before that week is out. You can get your horoscope for this week below after the break.

LaBellaBoss <3 

Aries (Mar. 20--Apr. 19) :This is a complicated month related to finances.  You may have some difficulty figuring out exactly where you are.  Leave the credit cards at home if you have worries.  A "new" cycle is beginning concerning finances and you need to clarify your present condition.  A fresh beginning may be occurring in relationships as well.

Taurus (Apr. 20--May 19):
This is a highly significant period in your primary relationship(s).  You have issues to work through and healing to do for both of you.  Sidestep the temptation to drill your truth into the mind of another.  If you do not share a concensus reality, then search for a higher perspective that includes both.

Gemini (May 20 -- June 20) :
People in general may get on your nerves this week, especially if they are looking for intimate conversation.  You probably need to find a good place in the natural world to go for walks or runs—use up some of that adrenalin.   Avoid dwelling on old, unpleasant, memories.

Cancer (June 21--Jul y 21) :This week could be characterized as one that requires adjustments or tradeoffs on your part.  You may be compelled by circumstances to spend your time in service of a situation that you would rather not.  If you do, you may resent it.  If you do not, you may feel a sense of guilt.  This may plague you for 2-3 weeks, but then it is over.

Leo (July 22 --Aug. 21):You may be concerned about a friend in need this week.  Perhaps you are reminded of past experiences of “abandonment”, so you feel compelled to tend to this individual.  Maybe this individual is yourself, dealing with old and painful memories of loss or hardship.  Sometimes it is necessary to focus on the hard stuff, but it won’t last long.

Virgo (Aug 22--Sep. 22) :
Irritability and a tendency to short temper may be your companions this week.  Lovers and/or children may easily get on your nerves.  Financial issues may be nagging in the back of your mind.  Plow some of that adrenalin into your exercise program and you will feel better.

Libra (Sep. 23--Oct. 22) :
You may need to concentrate in order to avoid critics, whether they be internal or external.  Instead of blame, use the discipline to tackle a project that requires concentration.  Use considerable care with contracts and business negotiations right now because misunderstandings may develop.

Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) :
You are somewhat edgy and irritable this week.  Parts of your mind are scattered into so many corners that it is hard to pull everything together.  But you know clearly where boundaries need to be drawn and you are not hesitant to do so.  The best of verbal warriors is concise and says what is needed, but no more.

Sagittarius  (Nov. 22 --Dec. 20) : You are bringing the conclusion to an era of activity that had its beginnings late last summer.  The pace was increased late in the fall, flowing into winter and through this spring it has been topmost on your mind.  It is hardly closed, but over the summer you will be turning your attention to positive changes in your employment.

Capricorn ( Dec 21 -- Jan 19) :
You are bringing the conclusion to an era of activity that had its beginnings late last summer.  The pace was increased late in the fall, flowing into winter and through this spring it has been topmost on your mind.  It is hardly closed, but over the summer you will be turning your attention to positive changes in your employment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 17) : There is interference in your forward motion related to home, family, or property concerns.  People’s schedules are not cooperating with your plans.  More favorable aspects point toward short trips, activities concerning children or lovers or the pursuit of your creative interests.

Pisces (Feb. 18--Mar. 19)
: You may have an intuitive sense that something in your diet or routine medications are not good for you, even though it has been there forever.  Perhaps the culprit is something that is normally in your environment that you can no longer physically tolerate.  Begin a process of tracking it down and eliminating it from your life.  You will feel better.

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